The Double Hour Online summary: Love and danger unexpectedly meet within this offbeat thriller with comic elements from Italian filmmaker Giuseppe Capotondi. Soni is a young woman from Eastern Europe who has recently come to reside in Turin and wants to find a boyfriend. With this in mind, she signs up for any speed-dating service, and one of the men she meets is Guido, an ex-cop-turned-security guard who has been making the rounds of the singles scene for some time.
Sonia likes Guido and he feels exactly the same way about her, passing along his belief that after the hour and minute sides from the clock feature exactly the same numbers, it's a sign of good luck and one may use the occasion to make a wish. Watch The Double Hour Movie Online Megavideo now. However, Guido's luck takes a turn for that worse while Sonia visits the villa where he keeps watch -- a number of burglars break in and Guido is shot during the altercation, leaving Sonia to make sense of what happened to create her way to safety.
Plot fans is going to be delighted using the Double Hour, an Italian thriller that introduces a brand new wrinkle every Ten minutes, and takes its time for you to explain how they all fold together. . The film opens with hotel maid Kseniya Rappoport cleaning an area whenever a guest suddenly commits suicide. Then Rappoport meets security guard Filippo Timi in a speed-dating night, and the two jump into a torrid affair that culminates in him asking her to spend the weekend at the sprawling estate he watches.
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